The departments of the school are responsible for the academic activities which include Teaching and Student development activities.

The courses of study are organized on yearly programs. The medium of instruction is English.

Students are evaluated on a continuous basis throughout the syllabus. Evaluation is done by the faculty, a consequence of the autonomous status granted to the School.
Ordinances in respect of the academic program of study are prepared by the management, the highest academic body within the school.

The rigors of academic study at each level are balanced with a number of other related activities which include co-curricular activities. Special classes on varied topic of academic relevance are held under the Extra Class.
The school has qualified faculty to help in creation of new knowledge which can be translated into classroom teaching.

The academic atmosphere at the school is a rare blend of modern day technical skills and the traditional emphasis on imparting knowledge.
The faculty as well as the students who have qualified from the school have always done the school proud through their outstanding achievements and leadership qualities.